Services & Solutions
Connectivity Services
As a customer, the palette of services you can use in our partner ecosystem includes network connectivity and cloud on ramps. Our ecosystem of channel partner companies offers best-in-class network service to mobile and last mile users, IP transit services, cloud exchange services and network cross connects.
Features ...
Select access to over 65 carriers and partners for your exact requirements from the nLighten European footprint.
Reach tens of public clouds via our partners, leveraging your hybrid cloud strategy in a convenient and secure way. You will have connectivity to the major cloud public providers with redundant access to multiple cloud regions or zones.
The nLighten Data Centers are both carrier neutral and supplier agnostic and we welcome carriers to our data centers enhancing the Ecosystem. The cross connect services also supports the nLighten Ecosystem giving you complete freedom of choice.
Fiber Entry Points and Meet Me Rooms are positioned to allow diversly routed cross connects for enhanced redundancy of your IT deployment.

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